Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Blah's? This May Make It All Better

And so it continues, my display of pictures I've collected while browsing MySpace and it amazes me how every search term I use pulls up a whole new set of men! Is there no end? I sure as hell hope not. All I can say is "Nummy, Nummy, Nummy..."

Now isn't this just too cute, yet hot at the same time.
This guy looks like he's a freak during sex and hey, nothing wrong with that!

Daddy, I've been bad and think I need to be spanked...


I've always thought white jeans on a guy to be sexy as f**k!

Rub that beard all over studman!

That this is freakin' hot. Lick, Lick, Lick, Lick....

Come on into the kitchen guys and help me make a sandwich...

Those are some sexy blue eyes, hot jock....

If this is an alien, then I would hope to be abducted!

Now don't be shy boy...

Is this my knight in shining armor?

I think I need to go for a dip....

He's like..."Look at my tattoo! Look at my tattoo!" but then thinks
Oh, gotta look cool, so I'll mug the camera....


Aren't Cigar Daddies smokin' hot?

Can I get a lift?

Touch you where, Daddy?

This is a sexy but low-key Daddy who I'll bet has a dirty mind...which is hot too!

My Knight in Shining Pick-up Truck...

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